How to Avoid Sibling Jealousy
Getting ready to introduce a second child to the family? This is an exciting time for everyone, but one that brings big changes, especially for your first child. For them, they’re going from being the only child to suddenly having to share the attention, and this can result in sibling rivalry. We have a few tips on how to keep that sibling jealousy at bay.
Talk Ahead of Time
It is incredibly important for parents to talk to their child/ren about the upcoming new arrival. You don’t need to inform them as soon as you know you’re expecting, or you can expect a lot of impatience from them for nine months! By the time you are starting to prepare for the new arrival, you should inform your older child that they’re going to be a big brother or sister and that it’s an exciting time for all. Let them know that they will play a very important role in their little brother or sister’s life. Look into books or children’s shows that depict bringing a new baby into the family, too!
Let Them Help
Get your oldest child involved as much as possible! They will love being part of this journey in preparing for baby, so why not let them come with you to choose items for a nursery, such as from the Snuz collection, where anything they pick would be of high-quality and comfortable for baby. They could also find a special toy or outfit for the baby (and feel really special knowing they picked it out themselves!)
Your oldest child should still feel involved when the little one finally arrives. Ask them to hold a bottle, pick out an outfit to wear for the day or even make some pictures for their new baby brother or sister.
The Introduction
No matter how much you prepare for the day, there’s sometimes no guessing as to how your oldest child will react when you introduce them to their new sibling for the first time. Make sure you greet your child with a huge smile and hug first to let them know just how much they are loved and how glad you are that they are there before making the introduction. This will help them feel more at ease before meeting their new brother or sister.
Spend Quality Time
Newborns obviously require a lot of attention, and this may take away some from your oldest child, which they will definitely notice! It is always a good idea to make sure you get some quality one-on-one time with your oldest. This may be a trip out or even just doing an activity together at home while the littlest sibling naps.
Above all, realise that having a sibling jealousy is sometimes unavoidable. No matter how much you try to prepare for it, tantrums and bad behaviour can make an appearance. Your older child is experiencing new feelings and can easily become overwhelmed. Try to let your oldest have their own space to talk about how they feel and be sure to acknowledge these feelings.
If you’re getting ready to welcome another bundle of joy into the family, Beautiful Bambino are here to help you prepare! From pushchairs to nursery furniture and accessories, we offer some of the best-loved brands that both parents and baby will love. Discover more of the likes of Snuz and other collections over on our website!