5 Tips for Taking Professional Looking Baby Photos
These early days with your baby are full of special moments – ones that tend to go in a blink of an eye! Babies grow up quickly, which is why it is almost essential to get as many pictures of possible of these precious times to cherish for a lifetime. Taking pictures is easy but arranging for those nice posed shots can be a bit trickier, especially if you’re not a professional photographer. However, with our tips for taking professional-looking baby photos, you’ll be brilliantly capturing those memories with your gorgeous baby.
Get to Their Level
You may be tempted to take baby photos from above or even further away as it’s more comfortable for you, but it adds a lot of extra unnecessary space and disproportions. This is especially true if you’re just using your mobile to take a picture. Instead, get down to your child’s eye level and take the picture parallel to the floor. This will make sure you capture more of the cuteness and less of empty space.
Wait for the Best Light
There’s no need to try to set up certain lighting or get the flash function just right on your phone or camera. Natural light is best and waiting for the time of day where indirect sunlight comes through is ideal. If conducting your photoshoot outdoors, aim for what the professionals call the “magic hours” – an hour after sunrise or two hours before sunset. This is when light is soft and shadows are perfect for emphasising your little beauty of a baby!
It’s All in the (Little) Details
Your baby’s face is absolutely adorable, but there’s more than that to focus on. Those little fingers and toes, that cute button nose and first tooth are also worth capturing on camera. These sweet little details make for great photos.
Of course, these are best taken when your little one is napping to ensure they are still enough. Get to their level and zoom in instead of getting really close to take the picture. This makes for a much better photograph that highlights all those charming little details.
Oh So Small!
Your baby is only little for what seems like a short while, and you’ll want to remember these times they were so tiny and new. While pictures of your baby on a blanket is great, professional baby photographers tend to make use of larger props to show how tiny your little one is… for now!
Have your baby swaddled in their cot and take the picture of the whole cot to show how small they look in it, get a picture of the baby being held close for a cuddle or use large toys in the background, such as a stuffed teddy, as a prop to scale their size. Use the same props/scene to take pictures over the year to see how they’ve grown!
Keep Them Candid
While posed baby photos can be super sweet, those candid, everyday photos are just as important. It’s these moments of them growing up that you will really want to keep memories of. From playing to feeding to bath time and all between, you will want to get some pictures of different stages of their development to look back on.
Create the Perfect Scene with Beautiful Bambino
The perfect scene starts with a nursery that’s not only beautiful but full of comfort and made from the highest-quality materials. Beautiful Bambino offers exquisitely photogenic baby furniture and accessories that complete any baby nursery for those dreamy photos. Check out our collections online or in-store to create your own idyllic room for your baby.