How to Prepare for Bringing Your Newborn Baby Home: A Complete Guide
There is nothing quite as exciting and joyous as bringing your newborn baby home for the very first time. You’ve spent months - or maybe even years - thinking about this day, and it’s a momentous occasion for all the family. Of course, for this very reason, it’s only natural to be nervous.
We’ve put together this guide to bringing your newborn baby home to ensure that the transition from hospital to home goes as smoothly as possible. It’s best to prepare everything ahead of time so that when the moment arrives, you can relax and enjoy every second with your brand-new bundle of joy.
Pick the Perfect First Outfit
Your newborn baby is about to venture into the outside world for the very first time, so make sure that they’re appropriately dressed for the occasion! Of course, you’ll need to think about the weather, too. Layer up with an easy vest underneath your outfit of choice and make sure your baby’s toes are wrapped up warm with either socks or inside a cosy onesie.
For the car ride, it’s important not to dress your baby in bulky clothing since car seat straps must be snug against their body in order to provide sufficient protection. On a cold day, an additional fleece should be fine, or you can place a blanket over the harness once fastened. Additionally, remember to choose an outfit that allows the harness straps to go between your child’s legs.
During the colder months, it’s a good idea to dress your baby in a hat for trips outside. However, hats aren’t necessary during warmer weather or when inside. In fact, babies lose heat through their heads so wearing a hat in a warm environment can cause your baby to overheat.
Travel Home Safely
The initial ride home is incredibly exciting, but understandably nerve-wracking, too. Having a good car seat in place can help to ease your anxiety, so make sure that you choose a newborn-appropriate model that adheres to modern safety laws. Rest assured that all of the models we stock here at Beautiful Bambino comply with British Safety Standards.
Your newborn will require a rear-facing Group 0 seat. It’s important to buy a new model so that you can be 100% sure the seat hasn’t been damaged or tampered with. For more information, check out our in-depth guide to buying a car seat.
Make Time for Introductions
A huge part of bringing your newborn baby home for the first time is meeting the rest of the family. Understandably, your loved ones will be beyond excited to meet your bundle of joy, but remember that you’ll be exhausted, too. Try to spread out visits from family and friends so that you can avoid overwhelm and focus on getting your new baby into a routine. You have every right to rest, and hosting a dozen guests at once is just too much.
Of course, the very first introductions should be made to any siblings so that they understand just how important they’re going to be into their new baby brother or sister’s life.
Introduce Your Baby to Your Pets
Introducing your newborn to your pets is an area of concern for many parents. However, so long as your pet is friendly and well-trained, this is easy enough to manage. Just remember to never leave an infant alone with a pet.
If you have a dog, try to introduce your baby to him when he’s tired out after a long walk; friends and family members may be able to help you arrange this. Hold the baby firmly in your arms and allow the dog to gently sniff them for a few moments, then reward him with a treat when he backs away.
As for cats, try to introduce them to baby sounds before the birth using recordings. Start off quiet and gradually increase the volume. When it’s time to make the first introduction, do so in a room where the cat doesn’t usually eat or sleep often, so as not to create a territorial issue. Again, allow your cat to sniff the baby and reward her with a treat. If your cat is frightened, don’t force her to interact; carry on with your normal routine and she will gradually become used to the presence of a noisy new family member.
Get Settled for the Night
There’s something so lovely and pure about putting your newborn in their very own crib or Moses basket for the first time…even if you know full well that you’ll be doing it several times per night for the foreseeable future!
That being said, it can be a stressful experience if the baby's room isn’t quite ready yet. A cluttered, half-finished nursery may not feel as safe and soothing. Try to get organised ahead of time so that you’ll be able to easily find everything you need. You want the nursery to be a peaceful place for you and your baby to relax and wind down before bed, which is difficult if there are piles of clutter everywhere.
A neutral colour scheme and plenty of storage are two staples of a good nursery. For more on how to decorate your baby’s room, take a look at this guide.
Here at Beautiful Bambino, we stock a wide range of quality nursery furniture and accessories to help you create the perfect setting for your newborn to get a good night’s rest.
Beautiful Bambino offers a variety of unique baby products, from nursery furniture to accessories, and all baby essentials in-between. We only stock the highest quality products, designed to make life easier for families with babies from birth to toddler age. Visit our website to discover some top brands for your baby essentials or sign up for our extra easy personal shopping service here.