Your Baby at 3 Months Old
With more smiles and wiggling around than ever, your baby at three months old will be making leaps and bounds in their development. They are taking in everything that is going on around them and becoming physically stronger every day. This is a big month in a baby’s first year in terms of development. Find out more about what adventures wait for you and your three-month-old baby and what you can do to help their development at this stage.
Hand Discovery
Although at two months of age, your baby was first starting to grab things (and not letting go), at three months, they are learning how to work their hands even more. They will grab anything (so be aware!), stare at their hands and play with their fingers, which will inevitably end up in their mouth!
Improved Eyesight
While your three-month-old baby’s eyesight still isn’t fully developed, they are beginning to see even more, including colours. It’s this age where fun, colourful and noisy toys like rattles do great. Not only will they start focussing on all the colours, but it can also help with their hand-eye coordination.
Playtime on the Tummy
While before you would place your baby on their back to play or look at mobiles with hanging toys, at three months old, you should opt for a bit more tummy time. This should only be for a few minutes at a time, especially since your baby is still developing the muscles needed to keep their head up, and it can be very tiring. These are the first steps towards rolling over, crawling and generally developing motor skills needed for getting around.
Don’t forget to make sure they have somewhere soft to lay on for tummy time and that you get down with them to keep their interest. Since they are just trying to develop their neck muscles, nose dives into the floor can happen!
Happy to See You!
Smiles aren’t reserved just for Mum and Dad anymore! Your little one is flashing a smile to everyone they meet now, even to other babies and their own reflection in the mirror! They are happy to be discovering new people and seeing all these new friendly faces. Trips out to be sociable can be fun, so make use of your trendy Mima pushchair or the super fun Cybex stroller and have plenty of walks to let your baby explore even more, especially since their eyesight is getting better.
Expect Even More Joys to Come
For even more baby advice on what to expect in the exciting months ahead, check out our blog on Your Baby’s First Year in a Nutshell and get ready for fun times ahead.
Beautiful Bambino is there for every stage of your baby’s first year, with an extensive range of baby accessories, including toys that are ideal for development. See more of our collections of furniture, pushchairs and accessories over on our website, and get ready to make memories as your baby grows.