Your Baby at 7 Months Old
Your baby has now passed the halfway mark on their first year, and there is no sign of things slowing down just yet when it comes to their growth and development. Your baby at seven months old is raring to get moving, becoming more independent and determined than ever. Their personality is also developing and shining through, making the seventh month mark a very interesting time for parents.
And We’re Off!
Your seven-month-old baby is more coordinated now and may not be content in staying in one place! They might crawl or scoot about on their backsides. You can encourage this more by putting a toy in front of them to entice them to get to it, but it’s important to know that all babies are different. Some are just happy enough sitting contently or wiggling about where they are. They may even skip crawling and go straight to standing eventually, so don’t worry if your seven-month-old baby isn’t quite showing signs of being ready to move about just yet.
Little Copycat
One immense part of baby development is mimicking and learning from your actions. From day one, it has been important to talk to your baby to help them develop their language skills, but your baby at seven months will be trying to imitate your words. You can encourage them to say simple things like “da-da” and “mum” or “ma-ma”. They are making greater word associations too, so your little one will know who “ma-ma” and “da-da” are.
It’s not just your words they are trying to copy, but your actions too. For example, when you’re talking on your mobile, they may try to put a toy to their ear too.
Fine Motor Skills
Your little one’s hand-eye coordination is really taking shape. They are concentrating on what they are after, using the little pincer movements with their thumb and index finger more. Try getting toys that can come apart and together again, like stackers, so they can use this new movement and their brains.
Because those fine and gross motor skills are progressing, that means your baby gets more independent as they are able to do more for themselves. They may be able to sit unaided, hold their own bottle or cup and spoon, and happily play by themselves with their favourite toys.
New Foods to Try
Your seven-month-old baby should be trying solid foods by now, and now is a good time to try out more new types of food. Foods that are slightly chunkier and have different textures will encourage them to chew more. Mashed up fruit and veg is perfect for this.
Always introduce one new food at a time. This will give you the chance to check for any allergies.
Here for Every Milestone
Your growing baby will have growing needs, and we’re here to help. Beautiful Bambino has all the essentials you and your seven-month-old baby need for those daily adventures. Find our exquisite collections of nursery accessories, pushchairs, car seats and more online and in-store.