Your Baby at 9 Months Old
Lots of laughs, babbling and near non-stop movement will keep you on your toes when your baby reaches nine months of age. Baby development varies greatly, especially at this age, as they will do things at their own pace, but here are some of the major milestones to look out for and how you can encourage their learning and growth at nine months.
More Independence
Your baby at nine months old is able to do a lot more for themselves nowadays, and as tempted as you may be to help them with something, let them try for themselves. Give some space to let them explore, go after the toys they want or even play with the solid foods they are trying for the first time. This gives them the confidence to do things on their own.
Growing Attachments
They might be growing more and more independent, but your baby still needs you and they know it, too! Separation anxiety is an all-too-real feeling around this age. This can be helped by leaving them with a family member or friend for a few minutes and coming back to them. This helps your little one learn that even if they don’t see you for a while, you will always come back.
It’s not just the important people in your nine-month-old baby’s life that they are attached to; it’s toys and often blankets as well. The need to have certain objects with them for comfort.
Let’s Chat
Your nine-month-old baby loves to chatter away, but they are not just making noise for the sake of it. They are trying to communicate with you, so be sure to talk back! Of course, there will be a lot of assumptions about what your baby is trying to communicate about but having a conversation regardless will give them the confidence to keep developing those vital language skills. You can keep encouraging this too by reading stories and nursery rhymes as well as singing simple songs that they love.
Moving Here, There and Everywhere
The last few months have been spent working some new muscles and getting to a stand with some help, but your little one should soon have the confidence to shuffle about whilst holding onto objects like furniture or even your hands. Walkers are great accessories to help get their little legs moving even more, so when they are ready to take those first steps on their own, they have the muscles built up to do so.
Growing Baby, Growing Needs
Your little one isn’t as little as they once were, and as they grow and develop, their needs change. Beautiful Bambino has high-quality accessories that are perfect for your nine-month-old baby, including highchairs, pushchairs and other accessories that help them be more engaged in the world around them. Visit us online or in-store at our new facilities in Stockport today to see our brilliant collections.
Want to know what’s ahead before you visit us? Check out our blog, Baby’s First Year in a Nutshell, for some inspiration on accessories your baby will use for the fun times to come.