Your baby is growing stronger and smarter every day, and at five months, your little one is starting to show even more personality. Their emotional development is coming through, and seeing the love and affection that comes from it is truly heart-warming! We’ve listed some of the fun developmental milestones that happen with your baby at five months old and how you can help this development.
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From bringing home a tiny newborn and having sleepless nights to spending more time playing and developing a routine, those first few months of your baby’s life really do seem to fly by. By four months old, it is on to new discoveries and milestones for your little one. Here are just some of those to expect, like speech development and movement.
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With more smiles and wiggling around than ever, your baby at three months old will be making leaps and bounds in their development. They are taking in everything that is going on around them and becoming physically stronger every day. This is a big month in a baby’s first year in terms of development. Find out more about what adventures wait for you and your three-month-old baby and what you can do to help their development at this stage.
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At only two months old, you won’t believe how much your baby has grown in such a short time. Your baby is still constantly exploring new things, and you are still learning about what life is like with a new addition to the family, but don’t get too adjusted just yet! Things are changing all the time as your baby grows. Here are even more milestones that you can expect during this time.
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What a whirlwind of a first month it is after your little one has made his or her debut! Your lives are about to change during these early weeks, but nothing is more rewarding. This is a time of learning for both you and your baby, as you discover what life is like with a newborn, and he or she starts learning about themselves and the world around them.
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Getting ready to introduce a second child to the family? This is an exciting time for everyone, but one that brings big changes, especially for your first child. For them, they’re going from being the only child to suddenly having to share the attention, and this can result in sibling rivalry. We have a few tips on how to keep that sibling jealousy at bay.
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